
All character modifications are traits that represent

  • Natural affinity, physical/mental pre-disposition, or physical/mental feature.
  • Investment of time
    • Personal experience
    • Learning
  • Impactful event

Traits are categorized as:

  • Natural Traits
  • Experience Traits
  • Event Traits

Traits are the reason your character can:

  • Learn a new skill
  • Improve an existing skill
  • Improve a physical or mental attribute
  • Explain an inherent ability, physical feature, or mental feature
  • Undergo a sudden physical or mental change

Traits can have prerequisites:

  • Minimum attribute
  • Minimum skill level
  • Another trait already taken

Natural Traits

Name Description Notes
Strong Ancestors Apply +2 to Strength.
Brawny Ancestors Apply +1 to Strength and Constitution.
Nimble Ancestors Apply +2 to Dexterity.
Charismatic Ancestors Apply +2 to Charisma.
Clever Ancestors Apply +2 to Intelligence.
Wise Ancestors Apply +2 to Wisdom.
Natural Weapon You have claws, long teeth, spikes, or any physical feature that can be used as an improvised weapon. Unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage.
Protective Exterior You have scales, tough skin, carapace, or a similar defensive layer. Reduce any physical damage taken by 1 point.
Winged Ancestors You have wings. You gain the ability to fly with a speed of 20ft per action. Apply -1 to Constitution due to the reduced density of your bones.
Underground Ancestors You gain the ability to see normally in semi-darkness.
Keen Perception You have exceptional eyesight and hearing. You gain the Adept rank in Perception.
Skilled Climber You are a natural climber. You gain the Adept rank in Climbing.
Born Swimmer You are a natural swimmer. You gain the Adept rank in Swimming.
Natural Skill Affinity Gain the Adept rank in any Physical skill.

Experience Traits

Name Description Notes
Improved Constitution You gain +1 to Constitution.
Strength Conditioning You gain +1 to Strength.
Dexterous Training You gain +1 to Dexterity.
Charismatic Rehearsal You gain +1 to Charisma.
Scholarly Study You gain +1 to Intelligence.
Cultivation of Wisdom You gain +1 to Wisdom.
Skill Training Increase your rank in any skill. Cannot be taken multiple times for the same skill during the same level-up.

Event Traits

Name Description Prerequisites