
Skills represent the ability to

  • do something because of understanding and/or experience
  • use something because of understanding and/or experience
  • understand something because of natural affinity or experience
  • recall knowledge because of good memory, personal experience, or time spent learning the skill

Skill ranks

  • Novice
  • Adept
  • Expert

Skill rolls use a d10 + skill proficiency dice. Each level of proficiency adds 1d4 to your roll.

Skill List

Combat Skills


Required Strength: 5
Required Dexterity: 5

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. Novice 1
Sweeping Attack Once per turn, attack two nearby creatures for 1d4 hit points. Novice 1
Defensive Stance Once per turn, you can use an action to take a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. You can reduce the damage of up to 3 attacks made against you by 6 points each. Adept 1
Pole Vault You can use your stave to vault for twice your normal jump distance. Adept 1
Stunning Blow Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature can only take 1 action on its next turn. Adept 1
Multiattack Once per fight, you can devote your entire turn to making a flurry of attacks. Make 4 standard attacks. Expert 2
Long Reach Once per turn, you can make an attack while holding onto the very end of your stave. Make a standard attack with double the normal reach. Expert 1


Required Dexterity: 5

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. Novice 1
Sweeping Attack Once per turn, attack two nearby creatures for 1d6 hit points. Novice 1
Piercing Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. If the attack hits, the creature takes an additional 6 damage at the end of its next turn. Adept 1
Vigilant Stance Once per turn, you can use an action to prepare for incoming enemies. Until the start of your next turn, you can make an attack against up to 2 enemies that move within melee range. Adept 1
Vital Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 3d6 hit points, striking at a vital region. Expert 1
Long Reach Once per turn, you can make an attack while holding onto the very end of your spear. Make a standard attack with double the normal reach. Expert 1


Required Dexterity: 6

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. Novice 1
Hamstring Cut Once per fight, hit a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points in a location that impairs their movement. If the attack hits, the targeted creature is unable to move on their next turn. Novice 1
Quick Attacks Once per turn, you can make two quick attacks. Attack a nearby creature for 2d4 hit points. Adept 1
Knife Thrower You’ve learned how to throw your dagger accurately. Attack a creature within throwing distance for 1d4 hit points. If another dagger is within easy reach, you can draw or pick it up as part of this action. Adept 1
Piercing Attack Once per fight, you can inflict an especially deep wound on a nearby creature. Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature takes 1d4 damage until they spend 2 actions to bandage the wound. Expert 2
Rapid Attacks Once per fight, you can make 4 quick attacks. Attack a nearby creature for 4d4 hit points. Expert 1

Clubs, Maces, Hammers

Required Strength: 5

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. Novice 1
Concussing Blow Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature can only take 1 action on its next turn. Novice 1
Bludgeoning Attack Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 1d4 hit points. Ignore any damage reduction from natural or crafted armor. Adept 1
Heavy Strike Once per fight, attack a creature for 1d4 + 4 Adept 1
Wind-Up Blow Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 3d4 hit points. Expert 2
Stunning Smash Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d4 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature takes no actions on its next turn. Expert 1


Required Strength: 6
Required Dexterity: 6

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. Novice 1
Disarming Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature drops their weapon (if wielding two weapons, they drop both). They must spend 1 action to pick up each dropped weapon. Novice 1
Pommel Strike Once per turn, when you make a standard attack, you can make an additional attack to strike the targeted creature with the pommel of your sword for 2 hit points. Adept
Riposte Once per fight, when you end your turn, take a defensive stance. If attacked, you can deflect the attack with your sword. Take no damage from the attack and deal 1d6 damage to the attacking creature. If you are not attacked, this ability is not spent and can be used again. Adept
Multiattack Once per fight, you can devote your entire turn to making a flurry of attacks. Make 4 standard attacks. Expert 2
Flourishing Strike Once per fight, you can make 2 attacks in an elaborate fashion. Even if both attacks miss, the targeted creature will miss its next 2 attacks. Expert 1


Required Strength: 6

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d6+1 hit points. Novice 1
Cleaving Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d6+6 hit points. Novice 1
Shield Chop Once per fight, attack a nearby creature holding a light shield. The shield is damaged and can no longer be used. Adept 1
Heavy Attack Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 1d6+4 hit points. Adept 1
Armor Hew Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d6+2 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature’s armor is damaged and loses 2 point of damage reduction. Expert 1
Sundering Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d6+2 hit points. If the attack hits, it damages one of the targeted creature’s limbs. If a limb holding a weapon is targeted, the Combat skill used by the creature to make attacks is reduced by 2 ranks until the end of the fight. If a limb used for movement is targeted, the target’s movement speed is halved until the end of the fight. Expert 1


Required Strength: 6
Required Dexterity: 7

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. Add +1 to your roll to hit. Novice 1
Flourish Once per fight, spin your flail to distract a nearby creature. The targeted creature is distracted and will miss its next attacks. Novice 1
Spinning Strike Once per turn, attack two nearby creatures for 1d6 hit points. Adept 1
Tripping Twirl Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature falls prone until it spends 1 action to stand back up. Melee attacks against prone creatures cannot miss. Adept 1
Whirling Strike Once per fight, attack three nearby creatures for 1d6 hit points. Expert 1
Expert Display Once per fight, spin your flail in a defensive and dazzling display. Four nearby creatures are distracted and will miss their next attacks. You gain a +2 to evasion until the start of your next turn. Expert 1

Greatclubs, Greathammers

Required Strength: 9

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Novice 1
Concussive Slam Once per fight, attack 2 nearby creatures that are standing next to each other for 1d8 hit points. Each creature the attack hits can only take 1 action on their next turn. Novice 2
Wide Sweep Once per turn, attack two nearby creatures for 1d8 hit points. Adept 1
Heavy Blow Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Ignore any damage reduction from natural or crafted armor. Adept 1
Pulverizing Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d8 hit points. Expert 1
Stunning Blow Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d8 hit points. If the attack hits, the creature is stunned for a number of actions depending on damage dealt.
1-2 points of damage = 2 actions.
3-4 points of damage = 3 actions.
5-8 points of damage = 4 actions.
Expert 1


Required Strength: 8

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Novice 1
Spinning Attack Once per fight, attack 3 nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Novice 2
Intimidating Display Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Choose 3 nearby creatures that each have less than 24 hit points. Adept 1
Aimed Strike Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 1d8+4 hit points. Add an extra 1d4 to your attack roll. Adept 1
Circle of Steel Once per fight, attack 5 nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. Expert 2
Disarming Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d8 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature drops their weapon (if wielding two weapons, they drop both). They must spend 1 action to pick up each dropped weapon. Expert 1


Required Strength: 8

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d8+1 hit points. Novice 1
Cleaving Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 1d8+8 hit points. Novice 1
Shield Chop Once per fight, attack a nearby creature holding a light or heavy shield. The shield is damaged and can no longer be used. Adept 1
Heavy Attack Once per turn, attack a nearby creature for 1d8+4 hit points. Adept 1
Armor Hew Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d8+2 hit points. If the attack hits, the targeted creature’s armor is damaged and loses 3 point of damage reduction. Expert 1
Sundering Strike Once per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2d8+2 hit points. If the attack hits, it damages one of the targeted creature’s limbs. If a limb holding a weapon is targeted, the Combat skill used by the creature to make attacks is reduced by 3 ranks until the end of the fight. If a limb used for movement is targeted, the target cannot move until the end of the fight. Expert 1


Required Strength: 6
Required Dexterity: 6

Attacks made with this weapon against a creature within melee range receive a -4 penalty to the attack roll.

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a creature you can see for 1d6 hit points. Novice 1
Pinning Shot Attack a creature you can see for 1d4 hit points, hitting an area that impairs their movement. If the attack hits, the creature is unable to move until spending 1 action to remove the arrow. Adept 1
Double Shot Once per turn, attack two creatures you can see for 1d6 hit points. Adept 1
Piercing Shot Attack a creature you can see for 1d6 hit points, firing an arrow with a bodkin point. If the attack hits, it ignores 2 points of damage reduction from armor or Protective Exterior. Adept 1
Multishot Once per turn, make 2 standard attacks. Expert 1
Calculated Shot Anticipate a creature’s evasive movement and adjust your shot accordingly. Attack a creature you can see for 1d6 hit points, adding 2d4 to your attack roll. Expert 2


Required Dexterity: 6

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Load Bolt Load your crossbow with a standard bolt that does 1d8 hit points of damage. Novice 1
Standard Attack Attack a creature you can see for hit points determined by the loaded bolt. Your crossbow must be loaded before taking this action. Novice 1
Load Heavy Bolt Load your crossbow with a heavy bolt that does 1d10 hit points of damage. Adept 1
Load Blunt Bolt Load your crossbow with a blunt bolt that does 1d8 hit points of damage and stuns the target for 1 action when it hits. Adept 1
Load Serrated Bolt Load your crossbow with a serrated bolt that does 1d8 hit points of damage. The target takes 8 points of damage at the end of its next turn. Expert 1
Calculated Shot Attack a creature you can see for hit points determined by the loaded bolt. Add 2d4 to your attack roll. Your crossbow must be loaded before taking this action. Expert 2


Required Dexterity: 6

Attacks made with this weapon against a creature within melee range receive a -4 penalty to the attack roll.

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a creature you can see for 1d6 hit points. Novice 1
Melee Attack Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. This attack does not receive a -4 penalty to the attack roll against creatures in melee range. Novice 1
Concussive Shot Attack a creature you can see for 1d8 hit points, aiming for their head. This attack receives a -2 penalty to the attack roll, but stuns the creature for 1 action if it hits. Adept 1
Blunt Strike Attack a nearby creature for 1d6 hit points. Ignore 1 point of damage reduction. This attack does not receive a -4 penalty to the attack roll against creatures in melee range. Adept 1
Stunning Strike Attack a nearby creature for 1d10 hit points, aiming for their head. This attack receives a -2 penalty to the attack roll, but stuns the creature for 2 actions if it hits. This attack does not receive a -4 penalty to the attack roll against creatures in melee range. Expert 1
Disarming Shot Attack a creature you can see for 1d6 hit points. This attack receives a -2 penalty to the attack roll, but the targeted creature drops their weapon (if wielding two weapons, they drop one weapon of your choice) if the attack hits. Expert 1

Unarmed Combat

Unarmed Damage: If attacking with bare paws, your unarmed attacks deal 2 points of damage. If you have the Natural Weapon trait, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + 1 points of damage.

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Attack Attack a nearby creature for Unarmed Damage. Novice 1
Fundamental Footwork Once per day, you can focus your attention on evasive footwork during a fight. Until the end of the fight, attacks targeting you take a -1 penalty to the attack roll. Novice
Haymaker Three times per fight, attack a nearby creature for 2x Unarmed Damage. Adept 1
Bob and Weave Once per turn, focus on leaning your body to avoid attacks. Until the start of your next turn, attacks targeting you take a -4 penalty to the attack roll. Adept 1
Uppercut Three times per fight, if you make a successful Standard Attack with your first action, you can make another Standard Attack with your second action that deals an additional 2 damage. Adept 1
Counterpunch Three times per fight, when a creature attacks you and misses, you can use Standard Attack or Haymaker with no action cost. Your attack roll automatically succeeds. Expert
Iron Paw Your paws are seasoned weapons. If attacking with bare paws, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + 3 points of damage. If you have the Natural Weapon trait, you unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + 4 points of damage. Expert
The Noble Art Once per day, choose an opponent you can see and challenge them to face you in unarmed combat. If they accept your challenge, no other creature may interfere with your fight. If they refuse your challenge, they receive -6 to attack rolls for the remainder of the day. Expert 1

Occupational Skills
























Mystical Powers

Mythological Patron

  • Heal
  • Buff self
  • Strategic buffs

You gain the ability to channel the power of a mythological figure. This could be a famous warrior, healer, or leader from history.

Novice Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 6

Adept Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 7

Expert Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 8

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Healer Once per turn, you can request your patron’s power to heal a creature you can see for 1d4 hit points. Novice 1
Mythical Armor Your armor temporarily resembles your patron’s mythical armor or Protective Exterior trait. Reduce any physical damage taken by 1 point for the remainder of the fight. This can be used once per day. Novice 1
Group Healer Once per fight, you can request your patron’s power to heal up to 3 creatures you can see for 1d6 hit points each. Adept 1
Mythical Weapon Your weapon temporarily resembles your patron’s mythical weapon. Your weapon deals an extra 1d4 of damage for the remainder of the fight. This can be used once per day. Adept 1
Blessed Healing Once per day, your patron blesses a healing spell you cast. The spell grants 2x the maximum possible hit points. Expert
Mythical Weaponcraft Once per fight, you channel your patron’s legendary skill with weapons. Your attack cannot miss and deals 2x the maximum possible damage. Expert

Nature’s Blessing

  • Damage
  • Controller
  • Defensive/Offensive shape shift

You have the blessing of a spirit of nature. You gain powers appropriate to your nature spirit. Some options could be:

  • A semi-elemental theme based on a landscape:
    • Desert (sand, wind)
    • Forest (plant, earth)
    • Grassland (plant, wind)
    • Ocean (water, storm)
    • River (water)
    • Tundra (ice, wind)
    • Volcano (fire, rock)
  • A once-powerful creature whose spirit still resides in their home territory:
    • Bear
    • Bison
    • Eagle
    • Elephant
    • Owl
    • Pike
    • Shark
    • Snake
    • Tiger
    • Whale

Novice Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 6

Adept Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 7

Expert Rank Requirements
Required Wisdom: 8

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Spirit Familiar You gain a small creature or spirit thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit as a companion. Novice
Nature’s Attack You manipulate a nearby part of nature (thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit) to attack a nearby creature for 1d6 damage. Novice 1
Spirit Shape You gain the ability to shapeshift into a form thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit. Your alternate form must be no less than half and no greater than 1.5x your regular size. You can spend 1 action to revert the effect. Adept 1
Nature’s Barrage Once per fight, you can manipulate a nearby part of nature (thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit) to attack 4 nearby creatures for 1d6 damage each. Adept 1
Spirit’s Ally You can temporarily change the shape of an allied creature to a form thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit. Your alternate form must be no less than half and no greater than 1.5x your regular size. This lasts for 1 hour or until you spend 1 action to revert the effect. Expert 1
Nature’s Wrath Once per fight, manipulate a large natural element in the vicinity (thematically appropriate to your chosen spirit) to attack a creature. If the attack hits, the targeted creature takes 6d6 damage. If the attack misses, the targeted creature takes 4d6 damage. Expert 1


  • Summoner
  • Enchanter

You are inspired by a fictional creature from a story. You can bring creatures or objects from your stories to life to assist you in battle. Outside of combat, you can tell stories about objects (weapons, armor, or other) to grant them a permanent magical effect.

Novice Rank Requirements
Required Charisma: 6
Required Intelligence: 6

Adept Rank Requirements
Required Charisma: 7
Required Intelligence: 6

Expert Rank Requirements
Required Charisma: 8
Required Intelligence: 6

Title Description Rank Action Cost
Summon Imaginary Creature Once per fight, describe an Imaginary Creature into existence (see stats below). The Imaginary Creature disappears when it reaches 0 hit points, at the end of the fight, or after 30 minutes. You can spend 1 action to dismiss the creature. Novice 2
Spin Yarn   Novice 1
Summon Storied Creature Once per fight, describe a Storied Creature into existence (see stats below). The Storied Creature disappears when it reaches 0 hit points, at the end of the fight, or after 30 minutes. You can spend 1 action to dismiss the creature. Adept 2
    Adept 1
Summon Fabled Creature Once per day, describe a Fabled Creature into existence (see stats below). The Fabled Creature disappears when it reaches 0 hit points, at the end of the fight, or after 30 minutes. You can spend 1 action to dismiss the creature. Expert 2
    Expert 1

Summoned Creature Statistics

Imaginary Creature  
Untrained Combat Choose a Combat Skill that the creature has the required attributes to use. The creature has no rank in the chosen Combat Skill, but can use the Standard Attack ability.
Hit Points 20
Constitution 4
Strength 5
Dexterity 5
Charisma 4
Intelligence 4
Wisdom 4
Storied Creature  
Novice Combat Choose a Combat Skill that the creature has the required attributes to use. The creature has Novice rank in the chosen Combat Skill.
Hit Points 28
Constitution 7
Strength 7
Dexterity 7
Charisma 4
Intelligence 5
Wisdom 5
Fabled Creature  
Adept Combat Choose a Combat Skill that the creature has the required attributes to use. The creature has Adept rank in the chosen Combat Skill.
Hit Points 40
Constitution 10
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Charisma 4
Intelligence 6
Wisdom 6


  • Buff allies
  • Debuff enemies
  • Information

You pretend to (or perhaps, you can?) divine events that have yet to happen. Your keen insight can discern combat-related information about enemies. You can inspire allies by building up their confidence with predictions of good fortune. You can warn your allies of bad fortune ahead of time to increase their chances of avoiding danger.

Novice Rank Requirements
Required Charisma: 6
Required Wisdom: 6

Adept Rank Requirements
Required Charisma or Wisdom: 7

Expert Rank Requirements
Required Charisma or Wisdom: 8

Title Description Rank Action Cost

Physical Skills


Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Climb Speed 10 feet Novice 1
Improved Climb Speed 20 feet Adept 1
Expert Climber 30 feet Expert 1


Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Dig Speed 5 feet Novice 1
Improved Dig Speed 10 feet Adept 1
Expert Digger 20 feet Expert 1


Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Jump 10 feet Novice 1
Improved Jump 15 feet Adept 1
Expert Jumper 20 feet Expert 1


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Title Description Rank Action Cost
Standard Swim Speed 20 feet Novice 1
Improved Swim Speed 35 feet Adept 1
Expert Swimmer 50 feet Expert 1

Social Skills


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Courtly Manners

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Studied Skills


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